Sunday, January 17, 2016

Forbes Asks Online Readers To Disable and Ad Blockers Then Hands Out Malware

Merry Christmas

A few weeks before Christmas, Forbes visitors with with Ad block or uBlock enabled were suddenly greeted with a message telling them to disable their ad blocking programs if they wished to see any content.
The malware infected ads were posted in order to infect computers, and then either steal personal information such as passwords and bank details, or to encrypt people’s hardware using ransomware.

Is it Forbes fault, or problem?

The malware ads themselves were not necessarily the fault of Forbes, although responsibility should ultimately lie with them, even if it ultimately, doesn’t. Like most websites, Forbes uses third-party advertising networks to show ads on its site, as the costs involved for companies to setup their own dedicated advertising solution are known to be prohibitive.

Forbes is just the latest large website to be discovered opening the back door for cyber criminals to gain access to users’ computers.

It was only yesterday that we covered the fact that Trend Micro’s antivirus password manager could allow hackers to steal users password information.
It was only the week before that that we also covered the same type of issue being discovered in AVG’s Web TuneUp extension for Google Chrome.
Video site Dailymotion put over 128 million of its users at risk at the end of last year that came from rogue ad malware from their  the 3rd party advertiser
The problem for internet users everywhere, is that when ad networks let malware slip through like this on authority web sites the argument for convincing  people to not use ad blockers will inevitably be listened to by fewer and fewer ears.

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